The attempt made by the L.T.T.E to assassinate the Ex-Member of Parliament Mr. Sivathasan is highly deplorable. This dastardly act had taken place in the heart of the Colombo city without any consideration for the civilians. This is a matter that should worry everyone living in Colombo. This is also a matter that should be condemned -by every body the Tamil Media in particular.

It is now very clear that the L.T.T.E. Leaders have lost control of their cadre who act on their own and take decision on their own. This incident had caused the death of a three year old child. The L.T.T.E. Leaders need not bother about their children who are continuing their education in foreign countries. But we should worry about it. There are some Members of Parliament who have their children and grand children attending schools in Colombo. Is this not a matter for concerned for the T.N.A's Members of Parliament? I hope they will not put the blame on the "infuriated" civilians for the assassination attempt on Mr.Sivathasan .

Our T.N.A Members have enough experience in holding most funerals inside the Parliament Chamber. Why can't they organise one to protest against the killing of child just three years old? They can also organise the protest demonstration opposite the railway station demonstrating the safety of the innocent ones all over the country will Mr.R. Sampanthan M.P. take the initiative .

V. Anandasangaree
Tamil United Liberation Front.