Appeal to all concerned Parties to stop all killings

Not only the Tamil groups even the Government and the clergy, of all religions, too must use their influence and go all out to stop all killings in the North-East and other areas. Hand - grenade and clay-more mine attacks aimed at the service personnel without any regard for the innocent civilian lives also should stop forthwith. Killing of Tamils for Political reasons is a matter for deep regret and should be strongly condemned.

The Government should take serious action to bring to an end all killings in areas under its control. At the same time the LTTE, realizing that the killing in the past of those who belonged to the other groups did not give them any benefit and that the members of those groups like the TELO and the EPRLF are now helping them, must come forward to give up killing member of all the other groups.

The members of the clergy of all religions who meet the LTTE often, without listening to all what the LTTE tell them, also have a moral duty in the name of the religions they profess and the social work they do to advice them to stop their killings. The Tamil People for their part must stop supporting Politically motivated killings. The media and the expatriate Tamils must emphasize that they should change their ways to suit the prevailing situation. The Tamils all over the world must realize that our soil, due to our own people, is fast turning into a grave yard. The Tamils and Muslims of the North and East have nothing more left to lose.

A decent settlement package for the Tamils.

The time has come for all the Political Parties in the South to get together and put forward a decent proposal reasonable and acceptable to the Tamils. Such a proposal should have the full backing of the main opposition Party the UNP under the Leadership of the Hon. Ranil Wickramasinghe

The quick action taken jointly by all the Political Parties of the South only will pave the way to speedily stop shedding of blood on our soil. The country may have to pay a much higher price to achieve peace. It may also result in the loss of very valuable lives of all the three main communities. At this juncture the support of the Chief Minister of Tamil Nad Dr. M. Karunanidhi and the Indian Government become indispensable

Resume talks within a time frame.

By starting talks within a time frame the Government and the LTTE can find the solution and can also bring all the killings to end. The present talks became meaningless because of the failure to have the talks within a time frame. The Ceasefire Agreement only helped all concerned to commit murders and easily escape. Unfortunately these killings included innocent people and supporters and members of other groups and of the LTTE. In short the Tamils are working hard to destroy themselves.

It is because of the failure to fix the time frame for the talks, it did not make any progress and only still discussing about Karuna who took part during the early stages representing LTTE. It is very unfortunate and also true that this period of Peace talks was used to kill the Tamil people by the Tamil people. Therefore the International Community should pressurize the Government and the LTTE to find the final solution within the time frame decided on. At the same time countries like Australia, Britain, Canada and such others should concentrate on the Human Rights side in the discussion.

Indifference of the Facilitators and the Monitors.

The indifference shown by both the facilitators and the monitors during the early stages of the talks to condemn the Political killings has now made things worst. If the killings by the LTTE of the elected representative of the Jaffna Municipal Council and Political and Social workers not supportive of the LTTE, had been condemned at that time, the members of the Monitoring Mission need not seek assistance to save their lives in the mid-sea when the LTTE made an attempt to sink the ship, that carried unarmed 710 soldiers, with its crew

V. Anandasangaree,
President - TULF.